Q: What is the best way to build strength in a short period of time? -Use a Pyramid set rep scheme from light weight and high […]

Q: What is the best way to build strength in a short period of time? -Use a Pyramid set rep scheme from light weight and high […]
Shawn Adair is the founder and CEO of The Bar Strength & Conditioning. Why did you decide to start working out? SA: I actually only started working […]
Justine Moore is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, fitness model, and the author of the JustineFit Recipe Book. Why did you decide to start working […]
Lazar Angelov is a former professional basketball player who transitioned to a ultra successful fitness career. With over 10 million Facebook fans and millions of […]
Lyzabeth Lopez is an online personal trainer, owner & creator of the Hourglass Workout Franchise and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Why did you decide to start […]
Camille Brown is a CrossFit competitor and former collegiate softball player who plans to compete internationally for Olympic Weightlifting and compete at Regional events for CrossFit. Why […]
Amber Dawn Fokken is a full time personal trainer, nutrition/prep coach, posing instructor, endorsed athlete and fitness model. She has competed in NPC competitions and finished […]
Chelsey Novak is a 22 year old fitness model and competitor from Miami, Florida. Why did you decide to start working out? CN: Growing up […]
Cael, thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us today. You took the path that most decorated wrestlers do, which is […]
“Hi everyone! I have been a hair and makeup stylist for the past 6 years, and absolutely LOVE what I do! I am also a fitness […]