How This Teen Became a Bodybuilding Professional
What were you doing when you were 13? Competing in bodybuilding competitions? Probably not … unless you’re Nicole Neargarder, who started training four years ago.
Now 17, she’s gone pro – and shattering stereotypes was only a side effect. She’s living proof that girls can own resistance training just as successfully as guys. And you definitely don’t need stuff like steroids to do it, either – another misconception.
What did Neargarder do to get so strong and fit at such a young age? She worked. Hard. She completely cut foods like cheese and milk from her diet. She also focused on eating foods low in excess fat and sugar, making sure all her nutrition went into fueling her workouts. At the gym, she focused on strengthening her core. As a former gymnast, she channeled her already-existing physical strength and mental determination into working harder and getting stronger.
MP’s Take: Neargarder became a pro at 16. Now a senior in high school, she plans to study nutrition in college and also wants to get her training license to help others meet their fitness goals. Think of her next time you don’t want to put in the effort to train harder. If a 13-year-old can decide on her own that she wants to train for a bodybuilding competition and adjust her diet and workouts to make it happen, you can get up at 6am and run three miles. Excuses. You can reach your training goals, as long as you’re willing to work for them.