DJ Trudeau Interview
DJ’s Sample Meal Plan
Meal 1 – ½ cup steel cut oatmeal, 8 whole eggs raw
Meal 2 – 50g whey protein
Meal 3 – 8 whole eggs
Meal 4 – 32oz Organic Green Juice
Snack – 15 raw unsalted almonds
Meal 5 – 50g whey protein
Meal 6 – Whatever I want, I judge where my bodies at and adjust. I’ve done this for so long I’m very in tune with what I can do. I’ll eat a lot this meal but don’t count calories or micros. A lot of time I’ll have Chicken and Brown rice. A lot of time I’ll have pizza or burgers. It just depends.
Meal 7 – 16 oz. organic green juice