Matthew Shaughnessy Interview
Matt Shaughnessy’s Sample Workout
Matt trained with Chip Smith to get in shape for the NFL combine.
Lists of exercises used in combination by Matt to create routines:
Dynamic Flexibility Exercises
- Ankle Bounds
- Knee Hugs
- Russian Walks
- Walking Sweeps
- Frankenstein Walks
- Power Skips
- High-Knee Skip
- Fast Skips
- Butt Kicks
- Skip and Kick
- Form Runs
- Lateral Bounds
- Form Runs and Sprints Barbell Press
- Various Stretches
Weight Training
- Power Cleans
- Back Barbell Squats
- Deadlifts
- Barbell Step-Ups
- Leg Press
- Barbell Shrugs
- Bench Press
- Barbell Curls
- Hanging Knee Raises
- Weighted Sit Ups
- Triceps Rope Pushdowns
- Shoulder Raise Circuit
- Dumbbell Curls
- Pull-Ups
- Partner Medicine Ball Rotation
- Forearm Curls
- Dips
- Side Shuffles
- Agility Footwork
- 180 Degree Agility Turns
- 40 yd Sprints
- Weighted Vest Sprints
- Cone Suicides
- Bungee Cord Sprints
- Cone Drills
- Jump Work
- Plyometrics
- Tread Water
- Cord Swimming
- Resistance Exercises