Pre-Exhaustion Strength Training Routine by Legendary Arthur Jones
If you’re looking for a tried and true method to get shredded fast, you might want to give the pre-exhaustion strength training workout by Arthur Jones a try. Arthur Jones was a legendary weightlifter and bodybuilder who was also the founder of Nautilus Inc. Therefore, you can be sure he knew a few things about muscle building and physique shaping.
The Arthur Jones strength training routine is tough and probably will take a few sessions before you can complete it all the way through. You might also want to begin with tackling the first six or seven steps before trying to conquer the full 11 exercises contained within the program. However, once you achieve the required conditioning, you should be able to perform the full session in under an hour.
Tips for Reaping Full Benefits of the Arthur Jones Strength Training Workout
Take into consideration the following three tips, which will help you achieve the full potential of this pre-exhaustion strength training program.
Train Intensely – The goal of the program is to achieve temporary muscular failure during each exercise. By breaking down the muscle fibers fully, you set yourself up for maximum fiber growth.
No Breaks – You should move from one exercise directly to the next within only a few seconds. Therefore, you will need to set your stations up prior to beginning so you can move through them fluently and with minimum interruption.
Aggressive Progression – Be aggressive with your exercise progression. Increase both weight resistance and reps by at least 5% once you hit your tolerance level.
The Arthur Jones Pre-Exhaustion Strength Training Workout Schedule
Exercise #1 – Stiff Legged Deadlifts – one set – 10-15 reps
Exercise #2 – Full Squats – two sets – 8-10 reps
Exercise #3 – Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes – one set – 8-10 reps
Exercise #4 – Flat Bench Presses with Close Grip – one set – 8-10 reps
Exercise #5 – Dumbbell Lateral Raises – one set – 8-10 reps
Exercise #6 – Seated Dumbbell Presses – one set – 8-10 reps
Exercise #7 – Standing Barbell Curls – one set – 8-10 reps
Exercise #8 – Parallel Dips – one set – 8-10 reps
Exercise #9 – Regular Grip Chin Ups – one set – 8-10 reps
Exercise #10 – Barbell Shoulder Shrugs – one set – 8-10 reps
Exercise #11 – Wrist Curls (pronated and supinated) – one set each – 15 reps