Increase Attraction By Getting a Better Body

We all want to have good bodies. It’s important for a number of reasons, but maybe none other than looking good while we’re naked. After all, we all like to play. Attracting the opposite sex is more than just facial looks and being funny. You increase your chances greatly by having a body that he/she drools over. We know you guys have been instantly attracted to a 6 face who has a terrific ass and you ladies have all been swarmed in by a not so good-looking guy with a six pack. It is THAT powerful.

Looking lean is dependent on your muscle to fat ratio, where men should look to keep their body fat under 10% and strive for around 5% and women should strive for 12-15%. To get there, your diet needs to be spot-on and you need enough sleep and rest to ensure adequate recovery. Also, you need a very consistent exercise program that trains each body part once to twice per week. If you build muscle and you get your body fat down, you’ll see noticeable definition in your abs without having to do 1000′s of crunches. The 5 exercises that should be mainstays in your training regimen include the squat, the pull up, the clean and press, incline dumbbell press, and most importantly, the deadlift.

Many people are under the misconception that they rather get toned than bulky. There is no such thing as a toned muscle. You either build up muscle, preserve it, or lose it. We want to minimize the fat through nutrition and consistent exercise, and we want to build up as much muscle as possible for a variety of reasons. Building muscle is all about a systemic process. By performing intense movements and recruiting tons of muscular fibers during heavy, compound exercises you actually build muscle in your entire body. It’s not just about stimulating the area to respond to nutrition, but compound exercises release tremendous amounts of precious hormones such as testosterone and human growth hormone, which creates the proper anabolic hormonal environment for you to build muscle and burn fat throughout your whole body.

Don’t worry women…you won’t build that much muscle by lifting weights because your hormones aren’t favored to do so. You are estrogen dominant. Therefore, you don’t have enough testosterone to put on sizeable mass. You will get that “toned” look you are looking for though.

Obviously you want abs though, right? The best exercises to improve the abs are Sit-ups, Leg raises, Kneeling cable crunch and Crunches on a Floor mat. These exercises are great and can be performed with about 15-25 repetitions with 3 sets for each exercise.  Although abs exercises are important in building the midsection what is more important then ever in achieving stand-out abs is your diet, like I said above. Diet is 80 percent of the battle in getting lean and if your diet isn’t on point it will be very hard to get your body-fat percentage to low reasonable levels to see your abs. Your abs are truly made in the kitchen…not in the gym. This means that you can train your abs with so many different exercises, but if you are not on a proper diet it will be very hard for your abs to be revealed if covered by a layer of fat. Everybody has abs, but unfortunately for most, they are covered by layers of fat.

There is no such thing as spot reduction when doing abs exercises, which means your fat isn’t going to burn away in the abdominal area because you did sit-ups. Your fat will be eliminated though if you implement the proper diet though.

If you are interested in following a consistent diet and training regimen that will help you shed the fat, build some muscle mass, and reveal your abs so you can get the man/woman of your dreams, take a look at my highly talked about program, MP45.

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