Earthquake Bar – The Hardest Bar to Train With

Try using the Earthquake Bar if you want a unique and revolutionary workout. This bar is made out of bamboo and is based around the principle of oscillating kinetic energy, originally created based off the popularity of the Bamboo Bar. This type of Bandbell bar weighs less than 6 pounds and can routinely handle weights in excess of 200 pounds. The Earthquake Bar can hold a lot of bands and a lot of weight all at the same time. The material used to make these bars does not absorb vibrations like a traditional barbell. Instead, it is designed to increase the vibrations so the bar shakes like an earthquake. As a result, you get a workout that is more built on practicing form, balance, and precision, specifically relating to your stabilizer muscles. This certainly may be the hardest bar to train with!


Check out the Earthquake Bar in action:


MP’s Take: This piece of equipment is definitely useful. However, it may be hard to justify for some with a near $300 price point. Regardless, the Earthquake Bar is certainly one of the best workouts for your stabilizer muscles, an important component of any strength training regimen, which is something many people fail to realize. Stabilizer muscles are usually smaller and weaker than your primary muscles, but they are extremely important if you want your body to move and function properly. The amount of activity and exertion your primary muscles are able to handle depends largely on how strong your stabilizer muscles are. If you increase the strength of your stabilizer muscles, you are able to endure and balance heavier weights and prevent injuries from occurring.


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