Best Nutrition Tips to Lose Weight
Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? 80% of your results comes from 20% of the work that you put in. You can bet your bottom dollar that nutrition is going to make up a significant part of how you look. Here are the best nutrition tips to follow to lose weight and burn fat while simultaneously building muscle, so you can make sure you are heading down the right path on your quest towards achieving the body of your dreams.
1) A caloric deficit (less calories consumed than expended) is necessary to lose weight, but this should never go too low.
2) A caloric surplus (more calories consumed than expended) is necessary to bulk up and put on muscle mass.
3) 3,500 calories = 1 pound. Healthy weight loss/gain is 1-2 pounds per week.
4) Diets don’t do anything for you in the long run. You need a complete overhaul in your lifestyle to be lean.
5) Don’t use the scale to measure your weight transformation goals, but instead measure body fat through a mirror.
6) Eat for fuel, not for taste. Sacrifice the small things for grand accomplishments.
7) Eat 6-8 small meals a day or every 2-3 hours. Stoke the fire, but don’t smother it.
8) Don’t eat too much in one sitting and never go more than 4 hours without eating.
9) The majority of your calories should come from: 1) Lean protein sources, 2) Low glycemic index carbohydrates, 3) Healthy fats (in that order)
10) Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be the biggest.
11) Eat natural, whole foods and cut out the processed junk food and refined carbs.
12) Never eat more than 35 grams of protein in one sitting and don’t eat carbs alone.
13) Pyramid down your carbohydrates, in which you consume the most in the morning and virtually none at nighttime.
14) Do not eat carbohydrates at night unless you are working out in the evening time.
15) Eat as many whole fruits and vegetables as you want throughout the day.
16) Do not use supplements as a crutch, and be wary of which ones you purchase.
17) Drink plenty of ice cold water during the day and always drink a glass before you consume your meal to fill you up.
18) Have a cheat meal every 6-7 days and have a carb cycling day every 4 days, but never on back-to-back days.
19) Have protein and carbohydrates before and after your cardio and weight training workouts. Stay away from fats for at least 1 hour after your workout.
20) If you can’t eliminate the alcohol consumption entirely, limit it to a few select low-calorie choices such as vodka with water and ice.
21) Always be aware of what you are doing and how the nutrition you consume will affect the proper hormonal environment in your body.