Batman: Devote Yourself to an Ideal

We are so enthralled by the Batman series, specifically the newest series with Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises. Why does the Batman character intrigue us so much more than other superheroes? Is it the realism that the Batman series brings to life? This is about a man who is able to naturally train through the likes of Ducard and Ra’s Al Ghul without the possession of super human powers that various other fictional characters possess. We see gashes and bruises on him just like you or I would see if we woke up the morning after a night of danger-infused spelunking (even with an armor proof vest). Batman uses his intelligence and wit even more so than his fighting ability at times. Perhaps The Dark Knight is a far superior film than Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, and the rest because of the dark theme, the great plot, and the unmatchable villain in the Joker, played by the late Heath Ledger. It’s more about the legend that Batman is because of what he represents and the fact that he chooses to inspire. The foregoing of pleasure seeking to devote himself to be more than just a man, to devote himself as an ideal, is something we can all relate to and aspire to become, without having to jump rooftop to rooftop and beat criminals to a pulp.

Batman is an alter ego of Bruce Wayne, whereby Bruce is ultimately the man who decides that he is going to take action into his own hands to fight for what his father wanted: justice. A character who possesses super human powers has an obligation to help. However, what allegiance does a young man who lost both of his parents (and is born with a chip on his shoulder by seeing the world as an evil and inhumane place) owe to an entire city? Yes, he’s born with wealth, but does that obligate a man to sacrifice his well-being and risk being put in jail or even death? Absolutely not. This is the very heart as to why Batman is more intriguing to us than other fictional characters. As a man who battles with his own inner psyche and all of his fears, he chooses to bring justice to an entire world that seems like it is so deplorable in its corruptness that it can’t be reverted (hence, the references from Ra’s Al Ghul that it needs to be reset, cops working with criminals, and the DA’s repeated unwillingness to prosecute criminals). Batman chooses to take it on by himself in the beginning, but only for a grandeur purpose of trying to inspire others to provide for equality and justice through the legal system, parting from its current uncorrupt ways.

We must demonstrate our appreciation to all of the comic book writers, Christopher Nolan, and David S. Goyer for developing these stories and ultimately transforming this character into something more than just a fictional superhero. Batman is a figure that symbolizes in all of us that we must search deep within ourselves to act in the name of the categorical imperative. It is not who we are underneath, or what our intentions are. It is what we do that defines us. The will to act, as Ra’s Al Ghul repeatedly articulates in Batman Begins, is most important to our daily regimen. Are you waking up every morning with a purpose to make society a better place to live in, or are you just looking for others to do it for you? It begins with one.

Fictional stories like Batman aren’t so far from the truth. Much of these characters’ development and the worlds they live in are drawn and inspired from real life society, just in exaggerated forms. Nevertheless, our current world is not that far from Gotham, and if we continue acting amorally and having bad intentions, we will be headed down that path towards a deplorable society with struggle ensued at every corner. Perhaps that is why we get the “Occupy Wall Street” reference from Anne Hathaway in the trailer for the Dark Knight Rises with her quote, “How you thought you could ever live so large with leaving the rest of us nothing.” Is Christopher Nolan alluding to Catwoman fighting for the 99%? Bruce is clearly in what you would consider the 1% but, besides the inflated taxes and the corporation’s benefits his wealth pays to society, he has decided to further his philosophical beliefs through action; hence, the will to act. It is not who we are underneath, it is what we do that defines us. How will you portray your thoughts of making the world better? Or are you just going to be like everyone else and sit around waiting for others to do it for you?

Idealism, like a utopian society, will never be attained. However, that doesn’t mean we individually shouldn’t try to get there. The closer we move towards that ideal, the less inequality and the less poverty there is. Often, poverty is the result of crime (just take a look at how that’s turning out for Greece). This is eloquently demonstrated when Falconi explains to a young Bruce Wayne about desperation. At the brink of desperation, a man will do literally anything at the precipice of being faced with death. You may think Gotham is so far-fetched from reality, but let me tell you, our state of affairs is not so far off. Look at the economy. People talk about the depression as if it’s history. It’s not. Things could get worse. Why do politicians get richer coming out of office then when they went in? Things are in a drastic slide for the worse, and the longer we wait without taking action, the closer Gotham becomes a reality.

You must take action and that doesn’t start with holding signs outside Zucotti Park asking for where your free handout is. If you want positive results, it starts with hard work and the ability to inspire others to work hard. Leading by example is the best tribute you can pay to society. As a team, we always follow our captains and coaches. Bruce’s father alleviated the depression by building cheap transportation for the entire city in the form of a monorail. This is a grand gesture that takes lots of money, but it’s the idea of doing anything to be a better person. Being a better person starts with the small things in life. These small things result in huge differences down the road. This is called chaos theory: small changes in input result in drastic differences in output. For example, take a look at golf. One degree off in your swing can result in missing the pin by 30 yards. Sometimes all it takes is a millimeter of change to get the ball in the hole. Sometimes all society needs to get real close to that utopian society is a little push here and there from you as an individual in your daily tasks. Those around you will follow suit, but it starts with you.
So, you need to ask yourself, how will you change your ways to become a better person? Bruce Wayne chose to be a symbol. What will your symbol be in your fight? How are you going to represent the ideal in your every action? Will you strive for the categorical imperative or will you just go with the flow and keep thing status quo? Be something more than just a man. The power is in your hands to have the will to act.

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