10 Minute Resistance Band Workout for Total Body Fitness
These days, time is tight and it can be difficult to cull out a slice of it several times a week to hit the gym. The good news is that you can get into amazing shape by completing a 10 minute workout routine 3 to 4 days a week. What’s even better is that you can do it in your spare time at work, in the privacy of your home, or while you’re away on vacation or business trips. All you need is 10 minutes, a good set of resistance bands and the commitment to get into shape.
The following 20 resistance band exercises are designed to give you a total body workout in just 10 minutes.
- Each exercise listed below should be done in 30 seconds with 15 seconds for exercises that require first one arm/leg and then the other arm and or leg.
- Complete one exercise right after the other without any rest period except the time it takes to set up for the next exercise.
For beginners, it would be a good idea to keep a chart of the amount of resistance bands used for each exercise so no time is lost trying to remember.
If you commit to this 10 minute resistance band exercise program 3 to 4 days a week, you will soon see amazing results in your strength, energy levels and muscle tone.
10 Minute Resistance Band Workout
Exercise #1 – Biceps Curls
- Stand on the center of a fitness tube with feet approximately shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and back straight
- While holding the tubes with arms straight down at your side, curl the arms up to shoulder level. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides
- Release and repeat
Exercise #2 – Chest Presses
- Lay on the floor with the center of a resistance band under the middle of your back
- Using both hands, press the bands straight up and over you.Lower and repeat
Exercise #3 – Squats
- Stand on the center of an exercise tube with feet approximately shoulder width apart
- Hold the ends of the resistance bands, hands together at your upper chest and just under your chin. Your elbows should be pointing out to each side
- Lower into a squat position until your thighs are parallel with the floor and press upwards, keeping your back straight and clinching your glutes
- Repeat
Exercise #4 – Triceps Extensions
- From a standing position, hold one end of an exercise band in one hand which is held down at your side, your palm facing behind you
- Hold the other end of the band with the other hand positioned behind your head – the band will be behind you
- Raise your upper forearm straight up, bending only the elbow. • Lower and repeat (15 seconds)
- Switch arms and perform the exercise from the other side (15 seconds)
Exercise #5 – Seated Crunches
- Sit in a chair which has a straight back and wrap a fitness band around the back of the chair while holding the handles in front of you
- Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back straight
- Tighten your stomach muscles and bend over until you arrive at approximately a 45 degree angle
- Release and repeat
Exercise #6 – Lateral Rows
- Stand on the center of an exercise band with feet spread about shoulder width apart and knees bent slightly
- Hold the ends of the band with arms down at your sides
- Lift the bands up and away from you until both arms are outstretched to your sides and make a plane even with your shoulders
- Release and repeat
Exercise #7 – Hamstring Curls
- Attach one end of a resistance band to a secure object at ground level and attach the other end to one ankle while facing the anchor
- Place a chair in front of you and hold onto the back of it for balance – keep your back straight
- Raise your leg behind you until your foot almost touches your buttocks
- Lower and repeat to complete a set
- Switch legs and complete another set with the opposite leg
Exercise #8 – Bent Over Rows
- Stand on the center of a resistance band with one foot and the other foot a step behind
- Bend over slightly, ensuring to keep your back straight
- Raise the bands up to your chest
- Release and repeat
Exercise #9 – Triceps Extensions
- Attach an exercise band to a secure object above head level.
- Stand facing the anchor point with arms bent in at a 90 degree angle, elbows behind you and hands holding the handles at your chest
- Keeping the top portion of your arm still, pull the bands down until your arms are straight and pointed down and behind you
- Release and repeat
Exercise #10 – Diagonal Woodchops
- Stand on one end of a resistance tube and take one step back with the other foot
- Hold the other end of the band with both hands, bend over until your hands are just above your banded foot and pull up and away until your arms are over your opposite shoulder
- Lower and repeat (15 seconds)
- Switch sides and perform the exercise from the opposite side (15 seconds)
Exercise #11 – Lunges
- Stand on the center of a resistance band with one foot – take a large step backwards with the other foot until you are standing in a scissor position
- While keeping resistance on the bands with both arms, drop down until your back leg almost touches the floor
- Rise back up and repeat to complete a set
- Switch legs and repeat on the opposite side
Exercise #12 – Overhead Triceps Extensions
- From a standing position, place one end of a resistance band under your foot and hold the other end in your hand
- Your elbow should be pointed upward with your arm bent and your hand holding the fitness tube just above and behind your shoulder – the band will be running up the length of your body behind you
- Raise the forearm part of your arm straight up until your arm is fully extended – do not move the top half of your arm through the exercise
- Release and repeat.
Exercise #13 – Leg Extensions
- • Anchor an exercise band to a secure object at floor level. Run the band under a chair and fasten it to your ankle while sitting with your back to the anchor point. Your foot will be on the floor with your leg bent in a 90ª angle. • Straighten your leg out until it is straight. • Release and repeat (15 seconds). • Switch legs and continue (15 seconds).
Exercise #14 – Lat Pull Downs
- Attach a resistance band to a secure object above head level
- Face the anchor point, holding the band with arms held straight out and up – they should be pointing to the anchor point
- With both arms, pull the band down until your hands reach your chest – your elbows will be pointed behind you
- Release and repeat
Exercise #15 – Seated Row
- While seated on the floor, legs straight out in front of you and feet together, wrap a fitness band around your feet and hold the ends in each hand
- Pull the band back until your hands reach your chest – your elbows will be pointed behind you
- Release and repeat
Exercise #16 – Seated Twist
- From a sitting position on the floor, wrap a resistance band around your feet and hold the ends in each hand – hold your arms straight out in front of you with your hands together
- While keeping your arms perfectly still, rotate the core of your body first in one direction as far as you can and then to the other direction – use only your stomach muscles to make the movements
- Repeat
Exercise #17 – Reverse Fly
- Attach the center of an exercise band to a secure object about chest level
- Stand facing the anchor holding the ends of the band with arms straight out in front of you, hands together
- With both arms, pull the band out to your sides, keeping your arms straight. Stop when both arms form a straight line with your shoulders
- Release and repeat
Exercise #18 – Hip Extensions
- Get on your hands and knees on the floor with a fitness tube wrapped around one foot and holding the handles in each hand
- Press your leg with the resistance band back until your leg is straight and parallel to the floor
- Release and repeat (15 seconds)
- Switch legs and repeat (15 seconds)
Exercise #19 – Pec Flyes
- Attach the center of a resistance band to a secure object about chest high
- With your back to the anchor, hold a handle in each hand with arms held straight out to your sides forming a level plane with your shoulders
- Keeping your arms straight, pull the band forwards until your hands meet directly in front of you
- Release and repeat
Exercise #20 – Standing Twist
- Attach one end of a band to a secure object about shoulder level
- Stand perpendicular to the anchor, holding the other end of the band with both hands and arms held straight out in front of you
- Keeping your arms still, rotate your body out and away from the anchor point as far as you can – return a full twist to the other side as far as you can
- Repeat (15 seconds)
- Switch and face the opposite direction and continue (15 seconds)