The Benefits of Exercise Stability Balls

Using exercise stability balls are one of the best ways to build and strengthen your abdominals and other muscles in the core and lower back. In addition, they are very effective at improving overall balance and agility. They truly have incredible benefits when it comes to building those functional muscles.

Stability balls help people with lower back problems and a weak core because it supports these muscles as you exercise and stretch your body. This is exactly why physical therapists and chiropractors use these balls for therapy with their patients. The core and lower back muscles are known as the stabilizer muscles. They work together to protect the spine and assist in your everyday activities. Everything from lifting, throwing, bending, reaching, and running begin and end with the stabilizer muscles. That’s where most of your power and balance originates from. Without conditioned stabilizer muscles, simple movements like pulling, walking, and running go unsupported and leave you at risk for injuries.

Exercising on the exercise stability ball is a great way to train and condition those hard-to-reach muscles. Just by sitting on the ball, you’re able to use more of your stabilizer muscles to improve your level of posture and to feel more in touch with your center of gravity.

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